SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (Spanish Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (Spanish Version)

Título Completo: Cómo aprovechar el Registro de Encuestas a Minorías Étnicas y Migrantes como usuario académico y no académico

Un video de capacitación sobre cómo buscar y conocer sobre las...

SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (French Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (French Version)

Titre Complet: Comment exploiter le registre de l’enquête sur les minorités ethniques et migrantes en tant qu’utilisateur académique et non académique

Vidéo de formation sur comment...

SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (English Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 2 (English Version)

Full Title: How to exploit the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry as an academic and non-academic user

A training video about how to search for and learn about surveys using the...

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (Spanish Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (Spanish Version)

Título Completo: ¿Qué es el Registro de Encuestas de Minorías Étnicas y Migrantes?

Nuestro objetivo es introducir y presentar de forma clara y sucinta el Registro de Encuestas de Minorías...

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (French Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (French Version)

Titre Complet: Qu'est-ce que le Registre d'enquête sur les minorités ethniques et migrantes?

Notre objectif est de présenter et de présenter clairement et succinctement le Registre d'...

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (English Version)

SSHOC Training Material Video 1 (English Version)

Full Title: What is the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry?

We aim to clearly and succinctly introduce and present the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry to a...

SSHOC CLARIN WageIndicator

SSHOC CLARIN WageIndicator present: A machine-learning-based interactive tool to understand the content of collective agreements. Collective agreements are documents containing conditions of...
