In this fireside chat with Suzanne Dumouchel, TRIPLE Project & Scientific Coordinator, SSHOC Partner and a Member of the Board of Directors of the EOSC Association, we ask her about the complementarities between SSHOC and TRIPLE services and the value they will bring to EOSC Enhance and EOSC Future.
SSHOC provides a comprehensive research environment for researchers in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH). Its SSH marketplace is a user-centric service for collaboration and knowledge sharing across SSH communities. Its value stems from the automatic ingestion and updating of SSH resources such as tools and trainings from third parties (thus suggesting improvements of scientific workflows for the SSH researchers); continuous curation of the information by the marketplace’s editorial team and contributions from its users, the SSH community.
TRIPLE is working in complementarity with the SSHOC project. With the multilingual discovery platform GOTRIPLE, TRIPLE provides a single access point that allows you to explore, find, access and reuse materials such as research publications and data, projects and researcher profiles at European scale.
Both projects work in concert on service governance to optimise user involvement and improve SSH research. As thematic hubs, SSHOC and TRIPLE will bring to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): research tools and training materials, publications and data as well as other SSH resources, enabling researchers to increase the value of their SSH research and to facilitate innovation. The services from both projects will help build bridges with other scientific communities with a view to boosting interdisciplinarity and contributions to societal challenges.
SSHOC and TRIPLE bring to the European Open Science Cloud a rich and diverse pool of stakeholders, as illustrated in the image below.
Framework of actors in the EOSC ecosystem (source: Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science. Report from the EOSC Executive Board Skills and Training Working Group, p. 17.
Watch the Fireside Chat video
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