The SSHOC project announces an interactive webinar aimed at all academics and practitioners from the fields of Sociology, Communication Sciences, Lexicology, Linguistics and Translation Studies, who are interested in international comparable surveys, survey research and methods, and translation of questionnaires. Participants will receive expert training from one of the corpus developers, and will have the opportunity to gain both theoretical knowledge of the tool and practical experience with the application.
The Multilingual Corpus of Survey Questionnaires (MCSQ) is the first publicly available corpus of international survey questionnaires, comprising survey items from the European Social Survey (ESS), European Values Study (EVS), and the Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE).
The recently released Version 2.0 (entitled Mileva Marić-Einstein) is composed of questionnaires of the aforementioned studies in the (British) English source language and their translations into eight languages, namely Catalan, Czech, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian, as well as 29 language varieties (e.g. Swiss-French). The MCSQ is a relevant digital artefact, that allows researchers in the fields of social sciences and linguistics to quickly search and compare survey items in a myriad of languages. In this seminar, we present the corpus characteristics and showcase applications of the MCSQ.
This webinar is co-organised by the SSHOC project and UPF.
This webinar consists of two parts: 40 minutes presentation and 20 minutes Q&A session.
No registration is required. The presentation is free of charge and open for everyone. To join this webinar via Zoom and for more information about the session, please visit the UPF webpage.
Danielly Sorato is a computer scientist interested in Natural Language Processing. She is a software developer at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).
Event Material - presentation