Learn about the best practices for preserving oral sources!
The SSHOC CLARIN collaborative webinar series continues on 24 February with the topic Best Practices for Preserving Oral Archives. The event is to be hosted by CLARIN Café which offers researchers, lecturers, students and topic experts an interactive space for discussion.
Oral sources are fragile compared with historical sources such as artefacts and written documents, and thus rely on a specialised infrastructure for their preservation. During the webinar, participants will learn about the best practices for preserving such oral sources, and will also have the opportunity to discuss these practices with the expert presenters.
This CLARIN Café is supported by SSHOC and is a thematic continuation of previous SSHOC CLARIN collaborative events on the processing of spoken data. See SSHOC Webinar: CLARIN Hands-on Tutorial on Transcribing Interview Data.
CLARIN Café - 1/5 Intro Frontini - How Not to Spill Coffee on Your Tapes 24.02.2021
CLARIN Café - 2/5 Intro Monachini - How Not to Spill Coffee on Your Tapes 24.02.2021
CLARIN Café - 3/5 Calamai The experience of the Italian Vademecum 24.02.2021
CLARIN Café - 4/5 Sonorités and the Michel Seurat sound archives 24.02.2021
CLARIN Café - 5/5 Discussion 24.02.2021
Photo by Wenhao Ryan on Unsplash