
The ADS Guides to Good Practice represent the international standard for archaeological data management best practice. The Guides incorporate the understanding developed around archaeological data from the wide range of EC research projects, and can be a resource within EOSC for SSH data management. 

Archaeological researchers generate data with natural science methods on a wide range of artefacts, biological remains and physical materials. Therefore, data management best practice guidance is very valuable for researchers in archaeology as well as in other fields of study where such work is being carried out. The Guides have been developed over 25 years with input, updates and case studies from across Europe.

The Guides were developed to support archaeological data creators, but reflect best practice for SSH data, supporting participation in EOSC.

Target users are archaeologists and any other SSH researchers needing to manage a wide range of data types. The Guides are freely and openly available at

The Guides have undergone continual updates over the last 25 years, and as a core service of ADS, will continue to be updated.



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